Houwzer launches title company and
turns to TitleBox for execution
Houwzer is rebuilding the real estate sales model with massive savings for sellers, technology
and a team of full-service salaried agents for a strong buying and selling experience. To deliver
that experience and capture revenue from real estate transaction services, they knew they had
to be in the mortgage and title business.
The executive team at Houwzer flirted with many title companies and found most to be clunky and inconsistent, including some larger players and affiliated business arrangements. The title process sits right in the middle of the real estate sales transaction and they needed a title company that would help them deliver the client experience they were after.
They decided they wanted to own a title company to do this.
They recognized the complexity of title operations and the subject matter and industry expertise needed, but knew they had to take a new approach to the entire process to control the customer experience and maximize profitability.

Houwzer turned to TitleBox to execute a plan for title operations. They wanted to be quickly scalable to match the fast growth of their sales, maximize profits and they wanted their team in-house to spend as much time as possible interacting with customers. Houwzer didn’t want to get lost in the weeds of becoming experts in an industry that’s outside of their core competency.

TitleBox created a plan for Houwzer that enabled them to build a multi-state title company and get it off the ground quickly. Houwzer’s focus in hiring is customer-centric and TitleBox carries the weight of title clearance leading right up to settlement preparation.
Houwzer’s team delivers service and response to buyers and sellers faster and more clearly than otherwise possible and is growing quickly, while TitleBox takes care of risk, title clearance and enables one of the fastest real estate transactions in the business.

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